Do any of these sound like you?

  • You want to find a position where you get practical experience in your chosen field, but no one will consider you because you have no experience.
  • You like being the “go-to-person” in your workplace but you resent not being paid for that level of expertise.
  • You are in need of a career change.  While you have several avenues you could explore, you are overwhelmed with the choices or riddled with doubt about taking the leap.
  • You
  • You

IF so, consider yourself invited to a FREE JumpStart coaching session!  Within 15 minutes, we will

  1. clarify major goals;
  2. identify areas that may be self limiting; and
  3. rekindle hope – suggest areas of consideration for promoting your professional growth.
    And, should we decide to work together, I will discount my rate by 10% for the first year.

To follow through, Contact Us and add the word JumpStart in the body of the message.  Include your primary goal for the JumpStart and the best days/times to reach you for a confidential conversation by phone or Skype.

I will reply promptly with an appointment date/time and a couple of thought provoking questions you should consider.